
Fallout 3 megaton secret stash
Fallout 3 megaton secret stash

  • Go outside Megaton and go around to the back.
  • Kill the girl and get the caps off her, she should have around 300-400
  • Go to Springville, slightly north of Megaton, and enter an intact house.
  • Kill Burke in the Megaton Saloon, (do this before disarming the bomb), no one will care and you can either keep his stuff or sell it.
  • Is your explosive skill 25+? If so, disarm the bomb in the centre of the town and talk to Lucas Simms and he'll give you a few hundred caps.
  • Collect scrap metal and sell it to Walter in Water Processing Plant (located in Megaton).
  • I've even embarrassingly had to turn the difficulty down to easy, and even then I'm stuck in Megaton.

    fallout 3 megaton secret stash

    Now, I admittedly wasted 120 caps on that dumb Saloon room renting because I thought it would be a permanent room ala Red Dead Redemption, which makes me mad but my own mistake.Īnyway, can any big Fallout 3 fan help me here? I really want to love the game and explore the rich world Bethesda has created, but I don't know how to progress.

    fallout 3 megaton secret stash

    Non-Raider enemies are too hard to kill without using up a lot of ammo, which has left most of my guns either empty or in need of repair, and I can't buy ammo/repair them because that costs a lot of caps and I'm broke, and I can't get money because the only way is to either kill enemies and merch their equipment or do quests, and I can't do that without weapons, so you see the Catch-22 I'm in. Like, it's hard to explain, but I'm basically stuck in Megaton. I'm a huge fan of Oblivion, so I got the GOTY edition of Fallout 3 and after playing through the mandatory exposition and getting to the open world and doing some missions, I have to say I just don't know how to progress further.

    Fallout 3 megaton secret stash